- Histidine
- Isoleucine
- Leucine
- Lysine
- Methionine
- Phenylalanine
- Threonine
- Tryptophan
- Valine
Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein also
has essential fatty acids which are Omega 3 and 6. Other benefits of Nutiva
Organic Hemp Protein include:
- Plant-based protein
- Made from raw hempseeds
- Certified organic and non-GMO
- Vegan
- Good source of dietary fiber
- Gently cold-processed
- Never hexane processed - a harsh chemical solvent used to process non-organic soy protein powders.
- Always chemical free
- Non-irradiated
- Non-BPA container
Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein
contain 66% edestin which is more than any other plant. They are ideal for
smoothies and shakes. You can blend two to four tablespoons of Nutiva Organic
Hemp Protein with 8 oz milk or almond milk and your favorite fruit such as
banana. One serving provides 15 grams of raw organic protein and 8 grams of
fiber (32% DV).
Hemp is an extraordinary plant.
It is rich in protein, omega-fatty acids and fiber. It has a nutty-tasting seed
with a wide variety of uses. This organic superfood is an excellent addition to
the diet of anyone looking for plant-based protein, and is preferred by many
vegetarians and vegans. Hemp is the world's most low maintenance plant as it is
easily cultivated and grown in a variety of areas, does not deplete the soil
and requires less water than other crops.
Nutiva, the maker of the Organic
Hemp Protein, has other products that you can enjoy such as hempseed, which is
ideal for sprinkling over yogurt or salads, adding to shakes, or including in
baked or sautéed dishes. They also have Hemp Oil that can be used raw or for
cooking. For sure, you'll also enjoy their hemp protein powders that have two
flavors: Vanilla and Chocolate, which make nutrient-rich shakes and smoothies.
Organic Hemp Protein and all of their hemp products are processed gently
in order to protect the vital nutrients and maintain high quality. It is easy
to use and a delicious addition to your diet.