
Friday, September 2, 2016

EaseQuit to A Smoke-Free Life

My brother used to smoke 1 pack a day. He attempted to quit a lot of times but he just goes back to his old habits as he used to have withdrawals. Kicking the habit is one tough task to do.  He was desperate to look for means to quit. He has used gums, vaping, and other ways to quit and all didn’t work. He had one last option that was advised by his colleague: Try EASEQUIT for 7 days!
He then saw it online and bought a kit of EaseQuit. He even thought that it is an oral medication but found out that there’s a set of bioactive magnets inside which would eventually help him out to quit smoking. He placed the small bioactive magnets on his ear that will help him reduce or stop cigarette cravings. He wore the EaseQuit magnets 3 to 4 hours per day for 7 days at night after work.

So why the ear? It is actually related to ear acupuncture or a method called auriculotherapy – without the needles of course. The magnets stimulate nerve endings which cause the release of endorphins in your brain. These are the same ‘feel-good’ chemicals released whenever you smoke a cigarette – and are why smoking makes you feel good. Stress is the major reason why a majority of people smoke. What EaseQuit does is it eliminates stress therefore diminishes the need for you to smoke.
Place the magnet on your fingertips.

The EaseQuit magnets are pain-free, nicotine free and chemical free. You won’t even experience any withdrawal symptoms and it is the only effective way to quit smoking for good.
Place the smaller magnet to the front of your ear.

Thanks to EaseQuit, my brother has been smoke-free for almost a year. He now has an active lifestyle and goes running, up to the point of joining half-marathons whenever he can. Now, we won’t get worried with health risks that he can get by continuing to smoke. You have nothing to lose by trying EaseQuit!
Place the larger magnet to the back of your ear.

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