
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Methodology X: A Supermodel Workout

I was always curious as how supermodels maintain their weight - having a healthy, lean and toned body. My goal is to lose weight, get fit but not be bulky with too much muscles. One other thing to consider: I don't want to spend too much for membership at the gym. I want a program that can be done at home. 

I think I've found the perfect workout that won't let me spend any monthly fees. A friend of mine introduced Methodology X recently. It is a home-based workout that's uniquely created for women and all you need to do is totally commit 28 days for this awesome workout plus an exercise ball. Methodology X is designed by Dan Roberts and is being used by supermodels and is highly recommended by leading fitness experts.

Methodology X is a combination of yoga, pilates, ballet, martial arts, plyometrics and athletic training so your whole body is covered giving you a holistic and fun approach in working out. Methodology X promises to give you an overall fitness, stamina and strength.

Methodology X has a 130 page multimedia eBook that practically works on all your gadgets. It even has video demonstrations of all the exercises that's included. While doing the Methodology X Supermodel Workout, there will be helpful advices for what food to eat, lifestyle and modelling. Also included is a yoga and meditation by Sarah Hunt. Lastly, you get a free membership to their online group that is being run by female personal trainers which is fantastic as you get tips and tricks on what works most for other women who uses Methodology X Supermodel Workout and you also get ongoing support from certified Methodology X Instructors.

If you're a career-oriented woman who has no time to put into exercise routines, Methodology X is a perfect fitness program for you regardless what level of fitness you are.

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